Get involved!

Come to our informational meeting for the volunteers on June 29, 7 pm, OMA, Ernst-Kohl-Str. 23, 99423 Weimar

Volunteers wanted! Internship position!

Yiddish Summer Weimar – the Yiddish culture festival needs YOU!
July 1 to August 15, 2017

Yiddish Summer Weimar ranks as the most important and comprehensive Yiddish culture festival in the world. Each year, an international community of artists, musicians, workshop participants and guests meet to experience – and contribute to – the world of Yiddish culture.

A central pillar of Yiddish Summer Weimar is the large community of volunteers who, for the past 17 years, have helped our association, other music e.V., make this unique event happen.

Join us and become a part of our community! Whether for one week or the entire duration of the festival; whether as an intern or a volunteer: you can support the Yiddish Summer Weimar team in many ways.

Depending on how long you volunteer for, you can help out in various areas, for example:
  - Infopoint: support for artists and participants
  - Publicity, Social Media, Photography
  - Admin, Shop, Merchandise
  - Catering, Bar
  - Technical support
  - Event management

As a volunteer, you will be supporting the Yiddish Summer Weimar management team on a voluntary, non-paid basis. You would work approximately 6 hours a day, maximum 5 days a week (hours may vary depending on the task).

What we offer:
  - basic accommodation (shared living quarters)
  - a great chance to meet kindred spirits
  - collaboration in a cross-generational, international team
  - a glimpse behind the scenes of a 5-week international festival
  - an intense summer and lots of new contacts
  - free admission to all Yiddish Summer Weimar music events
  - a peek at the festival workshops
  - impulse workshops in the following areas: technology/PA, project management, catering, Yiddish culture, travel and accommodation, first aid, event management, security, financing of publicly subsidized projects
  - YSW team shirt
  - official internship certificate (on request)

You are open and flexible, like to work in a team, speak English and/or another foreign language, can tackle challenges and think for yourself?

Then we look forward to seeing you during the festival, from July 15 to August 12, 2017 – and/or for the preparations (from May) and follow-up work (until the end of August). Whether it’s for a week, a month or the entire time – your contribution will help Yiddish Summer Weimar come alive!

Have we piqued your interest? Then please register here.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact:
Johannes Gräßer (; +49 (0) 3643-858310) or
Hannah Schäfer (;  +49 (0) 157-30319011).